Thursday, November 20, 2014

Appreciate a teacher much?

This post is dedicated to all my fellow teachers that are putting in a 100% every day for the well being of their students.

I often get very upset, and I mean VERY upset when people thinking that teaching just involves treating students like your own children,  and that ANYONE  can become a teacher! Nothing is worse when everyone is standing by the buffet and run through their CVs, and when you say "I am a teacher", they give you thar "is that a job?" stare!!  That totally grates my carrot.
What is even worse ,it is when the very people you teach, don't value you as a teacher! The very people you put up with day after day, teach them new things, increase their sense of confidence, are the very people that would turn on you when they haven't put in their 100%!!  Why is there a stereotype that teachers don't matter, that our jobs can be easily done, that we couldn't cut it anywhere else and opted for teaching as our last resort??? Why??

Teaching has been a life long passion for me along with singing and writing.  Since I was a child, I have always valued my teachers and still remember them till this day. How I often hope to run into them at a super market just to relive my childhood again with them .I am sure if they had to see me now, they would be proud of the person I have become because as much as they don't realize it, they are part of  the reason why I am the way I am today.  This experience in life has motivated me even more to become a good teacher. To share all my life experiences, knowledge, and wisdom with the younger generation so that they can become responsible members of their own society.

However, in this modern day, somehow, the way we value teachers has completely changed. I always wondered why? From my own understanding it comes down to what people are taught at home.  Parents tell their children if you don't become an engineer, doctor, lawyer, physics, scientist, business man/woman, then you won't be successful in life.  So all the other job opportunities are considered "lower". Mind you, the focus is never on how that child can be fulfilled, the focus is fulfilling monetary desires. Parents are passively forcing their children to be things that they can't be.  Some children simply can't become engineers, not because they are not smart, but because math or architect are not their strongest points. People assume if you choose a career that is more in arts, you are either stupid or lazy.  They don't consider the fact that not everyone enjoys sitting in a room filled with equations and numbers. The same kind of ideology is placed on teachers.  People don't realize the skill, the knowledge, the research, and psychology that are involved in being a teacher. A good teacher at that! Parents just send their children to school hoping they develop, learn, and absorb all the education that is out there. But, who do they think is doing that job? If teaching could be done by anyone and was so easy, then I am sure homeschooling would be the norm. On top of that, they don't even say "thank you"for disciplining their kids. I mean, the child spends 6 hours away from home, who do they think educates them about life and has to put up with them?? They don't magically have discipline.

Yesterday, I had a student complaining about how their material is so difficult, and that we are asking them to do work above their means. I looked at him and said "Do you believe I know what I am doing?" He was reluctant to say "Yes".  This is like a 18 year old kid who has no idea how vast the world around him is. I said to him "I know what I am doing, and all the other teachers know what they are doing. The question is" 'Do YOU know what you're doing?'"  I didn't mean for it to be a trick question, but dear Lord he couldn't give me an answer.  This happened before he wrote his in class writing assignment.  After he wrote his assignment, it dawned upon that he finally understood that I know what I am doing. He was the only one who got an A+ for his writing assignment.  There is this idea that because teaching is not as challenging as engineering, then for sure our teachers aren't smart enough. Like for real??  When a teacher gives you homework, there is a reason for it. Not to bore your brains out, not to keep you busy, but to help you teach yourself too!  A teacher's job is not to spoon feed you, hold your hand and tell you that it will be okay. No, that is certainly not my job! A teachers's job is to show you  how you can be the best you, how to think for yourself, how to use all the knowledge you have gained and create something from it. That is OUR job!

The best part of my job, is not just prepping for class. The best part of my job is seeing my desks filled with students. I adore my students to the core.  The smart ones, the in-between ones, the slow ones, the lazy ones, the eager ones, the sleepy ones, the tired ones, the stressed ones, the angry ones, the rude ones, the polite ones, the ones that don't even know that I am their teacher after 2 weeks, the occupied ones, the restless, ones the impatient ones, the lonely ones, the active ones, the chatty ones. I LOVE THEM ALL. Why? I love them because they teach me how to be a better me every day. They teach me how life has changed, and how I can turn zeros into heros. I am pretty sure that all teachers feel this way about their students.  The best part is the last day of class, seeing the empty desks and chairs, knowing that they have succeeded, knowing that they are one more step closer in reaching their goals and dreams.

So, the next time when you see a teacher, appreciate them for having the patience, the care, knowledge, and experience in order to make you or your kids educated human beings.


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