Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Saudi Celebrating its National Day and Women can finally vote!!!!

A lot has been happening in this quiet part of the world, Saudi Arabia.
First of all, Saudi was celebrating its National Day this pass Friday-Saturday in memory of  their Kingdom, the struggle and wars of Saud.
The girls had an assignment to do in class where they had to write about why they love their country and why they were proud to be Saudi. I thought that most girls might hand in a blank piece of paper. However, these girls couldn't stop telling me about why they love their country so much.
One of my bright students explained to me that King Abdul -Aziz bin Saud, who was the leader of the Saud, returned from exile to continue the conflict with the Al Rashid and finally seized Riyadh. These battles and conquest finally led to the modern foundation of Saudi since 1932.  By that time (since 1903) the Ottoman's recognised him as their client in Nejid. Saudi was already then recognised by its rich oil even though its grounds were infertile for any kind of plantation to grow, except the date tree.
During King Abdul-Aziz's reign over the country, he had significant problems with dealing with the economical stagnation of the country, therefore he was replaced by his brother Faisal.
I only recently found out that the Saudi Arabian flag was only used by the government since 15 March 1973.  The flag, which is one of the most meaningful and beautiful flags on my list, is in green and white. It features the Arabic (Thuluth) script in white, which is the As- Shahadah every Muslim declares in his faith "There is no God(Allah) but God(Allah)  and Mohammed is His Messenger." At the bottom of the script there is a sword. Due to the fact that the As-Shahadah is considered holy, this flag is often not printed on t-shirts or on other items. The flag is never lowered, as it symbolizes mourning, and lowering of the flag would be blasphemous.

I asked my girls what does Saudi mean to them. They gave me really good answers and I have to say, most of these answers the western world would only gasp for air.
They said that they love being Saudi,  because they can be who ever their want to be and it is their free land to roam in. This was often said with a hand on the heart and the love they have for their King.
In addition Saudi is an amazing country for them, because it is the only country that successfully rules by the Islamic law the Shar'ia and that they don't have any fear but peace in their land. They added that it posses the two holy cities in Islam, Makkah and Madina, and that the Saudi government helps all Muslims in the world to do their Ummrah or Hajj with ease. They also love Saudi, because the King rules with Allah's blessing and that he is aware of his actions, because Allah is aware of his actions. They told me that they love the fact that it is the country of their grandparents, that they are not slaves or refugees in their country and that the King is kind and extremely generous ( that is actually true, I have never met a leader that is so generous).

While they were writing, I was strolling in the classroom and making sure that they wrote good paragraphs. Then, one girl asked me "Teacher do you love Saudi?" I said "yes, I love Saudi." Then she proceeded to ask me "why teacher?"  I said it is a good country and very moral. They didn't understand "moral" and I had to quickly flip through the dictionary. Eventually they agreed. I said that it is the only country that is so well guarded and protected. The country is led by dignity and law, God's law. It is also a very peaceful country, where I hardly worry about safety or security. They asked me "so teacher, will you then live in Saudi and never leave. Teacher will you marry a Saudi?" I said "inshallah I hope to live here for a long time, but as for marriage, that is another topic on another subject. You must just write," I always tell my girls, all of them that they are so blessed to be in this country. Even though watching the TV and seeing how other countries might be appealing, it doesn't come close to the peace and safety they have here. I often tell them how I had to be a hustler from the age of 13 and always "trying to survive". Saudi has it all figured out for women and really placing their care and needs first.

Soon after the day was finished, most girls started wearing their Saudi outfits. They all wore green and white. Some of them even got creative and wore beautiful green make up.
When we got home, I flipped the channels and Al-Jazeera was blurting it out that the King has announced that women can vote in Saudi and also be elected as municipal councils!!!!!
That was a big deal! I couldn't believe my ears and eyes while I was watching the news. Women can finally vote in Saudi. I was so excited, even though I am not Saudi or even share the history of this country, I was excited for the women that could finally participate in the decision making.

I think that Saudi has a long road, since it is a young country and people need to keep that in mind. It stands very firm in its faith and its cultural practices. However, they are moving. Finally, they are moving forward.
 The King has made it to the top 5 of my most admirable people! Go Saudi!!!!!

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