In the olden days mothers used to put chasitiy belts on their daughters to prevent them from engaging in forbidden sexual acts. Girls used to get stoned, hung, banished from society if they were suspected of eating from the tree of sin. In recent years mothers put their girls on birth control pills and all kinds of medication for their daughters not to get pregnant. When did it all change from not doing the deed at all, to doing the deed, but preventing the fatal consequences?
The reason why I am writing this blog entry, is because about a month ago I broke up with someone who insisted that this relationship will not survive if we don't "do it". You know what I mean when I say, "do it". The deed, getting laid or getting one's cherry popped!
It has bothered me a great deal how virginity has always symbolized a woman's purity and dignity. The focus was always on the woman and never the man. After all, the woman has always been the honour of the family, the "namuz" of the family.
In the eastern cultures it hasn't changed much. If a woman is not a virgin, most men are not interested in her. Hence, why it is hard for a divorced woman to get re-married again.
So, in the western world her virginity doesn't matter so we put her on birth control, and in the eastern world, her virginity matters so much that we kill her for it.
Where have we lost the focus on it all? Ask yourself? Is your sister more important to you, because she is a woman who is a virgin? Is your daughter a symbol of YOUR honor? From the day you fathered her until now, is her hymen the only thing that makes her the apple of your eye?
If you have said you to any of the above, I suggest you go and get a reality check!
I think we have been mislead and misguided about how we should approach this particular matter. Our daughters and sisters should be taught that their honor is in the manner they compose themselves, the way they guard themselves. This can only be taught when we let our daughter be who they want to be and to help shape them in the beautiful women they suppose to be.
Nothing is more of a blessing when a father sits with his daughter and educate her about the world out there. The education is either inlined with the family's culture or religion. A girl can only gain confidence and self appreciation if her family gives it to her 100% The moment that is lack in a girl's life, believe me, she will not know how to be in the outside world.
I was and still is very lucky to have been raised in a very modest family,where my mother gave me the information that she knew from her own life experiences and at the same time telling me "whatever choice you make, you will carry it to your grave". I knew from a young age that my virginity is only a part of my whole make up. I have a brain and a heart too, and I think those two matter more. However my brain and my heart have always given me the correct information to keep my virginity until I get married.
My mother didn't talk me into it, my brother didn't send me death threats for it and most certainly religion didn't bash it in me.
Keeping my virginity has been a blessing more than a curse. Often when I am in a relationship and we hit month 2, my significant other would start bugging me. "you see, it has been 60 days now of not doing it. when will we do it?" I would look at all of them with the same eyes I would look at a cow that is being prepared to be slaughtered. "it will never happen". With that, the next day my number, e-mail, facebook and all the contacts I have would change in less than 24 hours. When I would bump into them after the whole drama, they all said the same thing. "You are one stuck up chick!"
It used to frustrate me so much as to how did it become "OK" for a guy to ask for sex after being with a girl for only 2 months???? Who started this trend? Why did they start it? (well, that is pretty obvious). And IF a woman says "no", then she is labeled a "prune", "stuck up", "cock teaser" and all kinds of stingy comments. Since when is she in the wrong for saying "no". Most of all, who are the women who have been teaching the men "it is ok to have sex after 2 months baby, I love you". Whoever they are, they have made my life and other women's lives a living hell. Men don't even hunt anymore, yes, that is how easy it is in modern days. In the animal kingdom, the male species still hunt! Only in the human race we don't hunt anymore.
That is why relationship dynamics are becoming problematic, too many illegitimate children and all kinds of strange diseases that are ready to jump at the eager beavers.
Sex was God's idea. His idea of it was in marriage. Simple as that. If you have sex in marriage, it doesn't just serve as a physical act, but it protect one from physical, mental and emotional harm. Why do we think we know better than God when it comes to marriage and sex.
No matter how hard we try to twist and turn it to make whatever we are doing right... guess what...IT IS NOT RIGHT!
If you blame a woman for not giving it to you, then you are being a sour prick.
I'm more bored than sick of having to justify myself why I haven't given it up and why I will not give it up!
It is my choice and should not be punished for doing the the right thing for me.
I'm writing this blog to air out what some girls and women feel, when this particular matter approach them during their lives.
I want to end this entry to say that a woman's body is more than just a hole for some dude to put his stick in!
The reason why I am writing this blog entry, is because about a month ago I broke up with someone who insisted that this relationship will not survive if we don't "do it". You know what I mean when I say, "do it". The deed, getting laid or getting one's cherry popped!
It has bothered me a great deal how virginity has always symbolized a woman's purity and dignity. The focus was always on the woman and never the man. After all, the woman has always been the honour of the family, the "namuz" of the family.
In the eastern cultures it hasn't changed much. If a woman is not a virgin, most men are not interested in her. Hence, why it is hard for a divorced woman to get re-married again.
So, in the western world her virginity doesn't matter so we put her on birth control, and in the eastern world, her virginity matters so much that we kill her for it.
Where have we lost the focus on it all? Ask yourself? Is your sister more important to you, because she is a woman who is a virgin? Is your daughter a symbol of YOUR honor? From the day you fathered her until now, is her hymen the only thing that makes her the apple of your eye?
If you have said you to any of the above, I suggest you go and get a reality check!
I think we have been mislead and misguided about how we should approach this particular matter. Our daughters and sisters should be taught that their honor is in the manner they compose themselves, the way they guard themselves. This can only be taught when we let our daughter be who they want to be and to help shape them in the beautiful women they suppose to be.
Nothing is more of a blessing when a father sits with his daughter and educate her about the world out there. The education is either inlined with the family's culture or religion. A girl can only gain confidence and self appreciation if her family gives it to her 100% The moment that is lack in a girl's life, believe me, she will not know how to be in the outside world.
I was and still is very lucky to have been raised in a very modest family,where my mother gave me the information that she knew from her own life experiences and at the same time telling me "whatever choice you make, you will carry it to your grave". I knew from a young age that my virginity is only a part of my whole make up. I have a brain and a heart too, and I think those two matter more. However my brain and my heart have always given me the correct information to keep my virginity until I get married.
My mother didn't talk me into it, my brother didn't send me death threats for it and most certainly religion didn't bash it in me.
Keeping my virginity has been a blessing more than a curse. Often when I am in a relationship and we hit month 2, my significant other would start bugging me. "you see, it has been 60 days now of not doing it. when will we do it?" I would look at all of them with the same eyes I would look at a cow that is being prepared to be slaughtered. "it will never happen". With that, the next day my number, e-mail, facebook and all the contacts I have would change in less than 24 hours. When I would bump into them after the whole drama, they all said the same thing. "You are one stuck up chick!"
It used to frustrate me so much as to how did it become "OK" for a guy to ask for sex after being with a girl for only 2 months???? Who started this trend? Why did they start it? (well, that is pretty obvious). And IF a woman says "no", then she is labeled a "prune", "stuck up", "cock teaser" and all kinds of stingy comments. Since when is she in the wrong for saying "no". Most of all, who are the women who have been teaching the men "it is ok to have sex after 2 months baby, I love you". Whoever they are, they have made my life and other women's lives a living hell. Men don't even hunt anymore, yes, that is how easy it is in modern days. In the animal kingdom, the male species still hunt! Only in the human race we don't hunt anymore.
That is why relationship dynamics are becoming problematic, too many illegitimate children and all kinds of strange diseases that are ready to jump at the eager beavers.
Sex was God's idea. His idea of it was in marriage. Simple as that. If you have sex in marriage, it doesn't just serve as a physical act, but it protect one from physical, mental and emotional harm. Why do we think we know better than God when it comes to marriage and sex.
No matter how hard we try to twist and turn it to make whatever we are doing right... guess what...IT IS NOT RIGHT!
If you blame a woman for not giving it to you, then you are being a sour prick.
I'm more bored than sick of having to justify myself why I haven't given it up and why I will not give it up!
It is my choice and should not be punished for doing the the right thing for me.
I'm writing this blog to air out what some girls and women feel, when this particular matter approach them during their lives.
I want to end this entry to say that a woman's body is more than just a hole for some dude to put his stick in!